Fractions and Decimals
My Better Half
- Introduction to Fractions
- Addition of Fractions Having the Same Denominator
- Adding Fractions Word Problems
- Subtraction of Fractions Having the Same Denominator
- Subtracting Fractions Word Problems
- Equal is Equivalence
- Introduction to Whole Numbers, Proper and Improper Fractions, and Mixed Numbers
- Multiplication of a Fraction by a Whole Number
- Division of a Fraction by a Whole Number
Get to the Point
- Introduction to Decimal Quantity
- Introduction to the Decimal Symbol
- Exchanging Decimals Game
- All Hail the Unit
- Quantities on the Decimal Board
- The Decimal Bank Game Cards
- The Candelabrum on the Decimal Board
- Decimal Propeller
- Exercises in the Formation and Reading of Decimal Numbers
- Association of Decimal Quantity to Symbol
- Association of Symbol to Quantity
- Who Has More Game
- Progressive Numeration
- Regressive Numeration
- Adding Decimals
- Subtracting Decimals
- The Centesimal Circle: Fractions to Decimals
- The Centesimal Circle: Decimals to Percentages
- Multiplication of Decimals: Multiplication by 10, 100, and 1,000
- Multiplication of a Decimal by a Whole Number
- Decimal Number Divided by a Whole Number