Impressionistic Charts
Impressionistic Charts
- Impressionistic Chart 1: The Solar System: The Size of the Earth Compared to the Sun
- Impressionistic Chart 2: The Sun’s Family
- Impressionistic Chart 3: The Cosmic Dance
- Impressionistic Chart 4: Time of the Volcanoes
- Impressionistic Chart 5: The Sun’s Beautiful Child
- Impressionistic Chart 6: The Layers of the Earth
- Impressionistic Chart 7: Solar Energy Absorbed by the Earth
- Impressionistic Chart 8: Fire and Ice
- Impressionistic Chart 9: How the Rays of the Sun Reach the Earth
- Impressionistic Chart 10: How the Sun’s Rays Reach the Earth: Perpendicular and Oblique Lines
- Impressionistic Chart 11: Differences in Distance Between the Sun and the Earth
- Impressionistic Chart 12: The Rays Work to Reach the Earth Through the Atmosphere
- Impressionistic Chart 13: The Earth Stores Heat During the Day
- Impressionistic Chart 14: The Earth Radiates Heat at Night
- Impressionistic Chart 15: Like a Warm Bed
- Impressionistic Chart 16: Like a Freezing Bed
- Impressionistic Chart 17: Day and Night
- Impressionistic Chart 18: The Hottest Time of the Day
- Impressionistic Chart 19: The Earth is Leaning (The Inclination of the Axis of the Earth)
- Impressionistic Chart 20: The Seasons (The Revolution of the Earth and the Seasons)
- Impressionistic Chart 21: The Seasons on the Map (The First Day of Each Season)
- Impressionistic Chart 22: Distribution of Heat on the Earth (Climatic Zones)
- Impressionistic Chart 23: Our Summer (The Northern Summer Solstice)
- Impressionistic Chart 24: Our Winter (The Northern Winter Solstice)
- Impressionistic Chart 25: Spring and Autumn (The Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes)
- Impressionistic Chart 26: Torrid Zone (The Equatorial Climatic Zone)
- Impressionistic Chart 27: Frigid Zones (The Arctic and Antarctic Climatic Zones)
- Impressionistic Chart 28: Temperate Zones (The North and South Temperate Climatic Zones)
- Impressionistic Chart 29: The Formation of the Winds
- Impressionistic Chart 30: Low and High Pressure
- Impressionistic Chart 31: Regular Winds
- Impressionistic Chart 32: Sea Breeze
- Impressionistic Chart 33: Land Breeze
- Impressionistic Chart 34: Winds and Their Direction Due to the Equinox
- Impressionistic Chart 35 & 36: Winds and the Distribution of Precipitation During the Summer in the Northern/Southern Hemisphere
- Impressionistic Chart 37: Winds and the Distribution of Precipitation Work Chart
- Impressionistic Chart 38: Cold and Warm Marine Currents
- Impressionistic Chart 39: Marine Currents Nomenclature
- Impressionistic Chart 40: Erosive Power of the Wind
- Impressionistic Chart 41: How the Rains Form: Desert
- Impressionistic Chart 42: Rain at the Sea: Local Rain
- Impressionistic Chart 43: Evaporation of Water
- Impressionistic Chart 44: Condensation: Precipitation of Water
- Impressionistic Chart 45: The Most Important Rivers
- Impressionistic Chart 46: Rivers of One Continent
- Impressionistic Chart 47: The Earth as a Sponge
- Impressionistic Chart 48: The Main Rivers of the World
- Impressionistic Chart 49: The Erosive Work of Water
- Impressionistic Chart 50: The Alluvial Valley
- Impressionistic Chart 51: The Canyon
- Impressionistic Chart 52: The Earth’s Pillar: Erosion
- Impressionistic Chart 53 and 54: Frost Like a Young Boy, Ice Exerts Pressure on Rocks, and Thaw
- Impressionistic Chart 55: Valley Excavated by a Glacier
- Impressionistic Chart 56: Glacier and Environment: Moraines
- Impressionistic Chart 57: Hanging Valley: After a Glacier Disappears
- Impressionistic Chart 58: The Water Cycle
- Impressionistic Chart 59: Games of Water
- Impressionistic Chart 60: Water and Plant Areas on Earth