Multiplication Mastermind
- Multiplication Chart 1 + Bead Board + Booklet
- Graphing Multiplication Equations
- Multiplication Chart 2 and the Commutative Property
- Snake for the Memorization of Multiplication
- Multiplication Chart 3: The Fingerboard
- Multiplication Chart 4: The Half Chart
- Multiplication Chart 5: The Blank Chart + Multiplication Bingo Game
- Finding the Factors: Multiplication
- Stacking Products: Multiplication
- The First Multiplication Times Ten (Recurrence of Zero)
- Small Multiplication
- Inverse Factors of the Same Product
- Vertical Construction of the Decanomial
- Horizontal Construction of the Decanomial
- Construction of the Decanomial: Angular
- The Numerical Decanomial
- Graphing the Checkerboard Designs
- The Multiplication Bank Game