Musical Expression
- Songs about Storytelling
- Singing Simple Songs
- Lullabies
- Fingerplays
- Echoing Musical Patterns
- Singing Songs in Funny Voices
- Call and Response Songs
- Nursery Rhymes
- Rhythmic Movement
- Dancing with Scarves
- Tempos
- Dynamics
- Tapping/Patting on the Beat
- Marching on the Beat
- Making an Instrument
- Playing Musical Instruments
- Identifying Instruments
- Classifying Instruments
- Sound Effects
- Creating Musical Patterns
- Matching the Pitch
- Sustained Pitch
- Listening to a Major Scale
- Singing a Major Scale
- Playing a Major Scale
- Listening to a Minor Scale
- Listening to a Chromatic Scale
- Composing a Happy Song
- Composing a Sad Song
- Composing New Verses
- Metronome
- Partner Songs and Rounds
- Major Third
- Major Fifth
- Staff
- Treble Clef and Bass Clef
- Quarter Notes
- Quarter Rests
- Types of Notes
- Types of Rests
- Musical Notation of a Scale